
D48-03-01A (0…60 V; 0…3 A, setting 55,2 V, analog indication U and I)

грн. 4 184

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Power supplies
D12-10-01А, D12-20-01А, D12-40-01А, D24-06-01А, D24-10-01А, D24-20-01А,
D48-03-01А, D48-06-01А, D48-10-01А, D60-02-01А, D60-05-01А, D60-08-01А

Note. The letter “A” at the end of the name of the power supply indicates the presence of pointer indicator of output voltage and current.
The power supply are intended for direct current power supply alarms, radiostations, etc. with a rated voltage
of 12, 24, 48, 60 V. are protected against short circuit and overload and can be used simultaneously to charge the external
battery backup than uninterrupted output voltage.
Power supplies meet TU U-1497468.001-95 and certificate of № UA1.018.08138-96.

Distinctive features of unit:
- high stability of output voltage and current;
- continuous operation;
- optimal battery charge mode;
- ability to set output current from zero to maximum value;
- can be used battery domestic and imported;
- highly reliable and fire safe;
- dimensions and weight are small.

Feature Model Value
input voltage, V 187…241
input frequency, Hz 40…60
output voltage, V Д12-10-01А, Д12-20-01А Д12-40-01А 13,8 (0…15)
Д24-06-01А, Д24-10-01А, Д24-20-01А 26,4 (0…30)
Д48-03-01А, Д48-06-01А, Д48-10-01А 55,2 (0…60)
Д60-02-01А, Д60-05-01А, Д60-08-01А 69,0 (0…80)
 output current (max), A Д12-10-01А 0…10
Д12-20-01А 0…20
Д12-40-01А 0…40
Д24-06-01А 0…6
Д24-10-01А 0…10
Д24-20-01А 0…20
Д48-03-01А 0…3
Д48-06-01А 0…6
Д48-10-01А 0…10
Д60-02-01А 0…2
Д60-05-01А 0…5
Д60-08-01А 0…8
instability in voltage regulation, mV not more 10
instability in current regulation, mA not more 30
output voltage ripple in
voltage regulation mode
effective value, mV not more 20
peak value, mV not more 30
efficiency, % not less 90
dimensions, mm 260х210х80
weight, kg not more 2,7